Indoor handgun
Indoor handgun
Bring out your handguns or .22 rifles and enjoy an evening shoot. Location Oceola Clubhouse
A.W Pollard Trophy – Rainbow Trout
Heaviest Rainbow Trout caught in Okanagan watershed
Suggest a picture and certified scale weight
McInroy Kokanee Trophy
Heaviest one-person limit (single outing)
Whitetail Buck Trophy
Largest Typical Whitetail Deer
Boone & Crockett scoring
Mule Deer Trophy
Largest Typical Mule Deer
Boone & Crockett scoring
Moose Trophy
Largest Moose
Boone & Crockett scoring
Elk Trophy
Largest Elk
Boone & Crockett scoring
Sean Richardson Exotic Game Trophy
This trophy will go to the person that has the best goat, sheep, grizzly, caribou or bison.
Scoring by Boone & Crockett and will use a percentage comparison.
In Memory of Sean Richardson
Black Bear Award
Largest Black Bear
Boone & Crockett scoring
Achievement Award
Awarded to the person most instrumental in a project
Decided by Honorary members
Nominations by any club member
Sportsman of the Year Award
Awarded to the person or persons offering the most towards conservation, communications and the betterment of fish and wildlife
Decided by Honorary members
Nominations by any club member
Presidents Award
Chosen by the President, the award is presented to an individual member who has gone above and beyond the call of duty
Service Award
Outdoor Photography
Junior Mule Deer Trophy
Junior with the largest Typical Mule Deer
Boone & Crockett scoring
Junior Whitetail Buck Trophy
Junior with the largest Typical Whitetail
Deer Boone & Crockett scoring
Sax Koyama Award
Awarded to Joy Haxton
If ever there was a person worthy of a “Citizen of the Year” award, it was Sax Koyama. As Lake Country does not have such an award, The Oceola Fish & Game Club members felt it appropriate to recognize annually a dedicated citizen within the community, in memory of Sax Koyama.
The award is to be called the “Sax Koyama Award”, and is to be presented annually to the Lake Country Citizen of the Year. A plaque will be provided to the recipient as a keepsake.
Nominations for the award must be received by 31st December annually.
The award will be presented at the annual banquet of the Oceola Fish & Game Club in February.
Nomination forms are available at the Oceola Fish & Game club.
The award will be presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the community, taking into account the following:1. The recipient must be a resident of the Central Okanagan Regional District, Area “A”, otherwise known as “Lake Country”2. Submissions must be based on outstanding contributions, and have a direct beneficial effect on the community and its residents.3. The recipient may be male or female.
The main function of this award is as follows:1. To recognize the outstanding efforts of a citizen working for the community.2. To foster positive feelings in the community3. To create an awareness of the varying contributions which are made toward the well-being of our community by its citizens
If ever there was a person worthy of a “Citizen of the Year” award, it was Sax Koyama. As Lake Country does not have such an award, The Oceola Fish & Game Club members felt it appropriate to recognize annually a dedicated citizen within the community, in memory of Sax Koyama.
The award is to be called the “Sax Koyama Award”, and is to be presented annually to the Lake Country Citizen of the Year. A plaque will be provided to the recipient as a keepsake. Nominations for the award must be received by 31st December annually.
The award will be presented at the annual banquet of the Oceola Fish & Game Club in February.